Apr 26, 2019
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Scott Barnim. Based in Dundas, Ontario, Barnim has been a potter for over 40 years. In his early career he made traditional salt ware pottery, but later became interested in surface decoration after doing a master’s degree at the University of Wales. His studio production now includes highly decorated stoneware, low fire reduced luster ceramics and cobalt transfer ware. In our interview we talk about the nuts and bolts of running a successful studio pottery, understanding reduced luster ceramics, and learning from British studio potters Alan Caiger-Smith and Mick Casson. For more information on Scott visit www.scottbarnimpottery.com.
Hey Red Clay Rambler fans, I’m starting a new feature on the show and I want you to be involved. It’s called the Community Corkboard and it’s an opportunity for you to share your ceramic event with the Red Clay Rambler audience. Today’s event is the Indiana Potters Conference. Happening for the first time October 3rd – 5th, 2019, the conference features demonstrations from Malcolm Mobutu Smith, Sarah Pike, Matthew Metz, and Martha Grover, as well as panel discussions and exhibitions. For more information search Indiana Potters Conference on Facebook. To have your event, or comment, featured on the community corkboard send me an email through the contact link at www.talesofaredclayrambler.com/contact.