Jan 24, 2022
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Simon Levin, David Roswell, and Polina Miller. Levin created the Clay Cohorts program in 2021 to provide artists a place for mentorship, education, and community. The program blends online learning with in-person workshops to help students stay motivated in their own creative practice. In our interview we talk about David and Polina’s experience in the program and how it is shifting as Simon welcome two new instructors to this year’s cohort. For more information visit www.claycohorts.com.
Today’s episode is brought to you by the following sponsors:
For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to electric kilns, and they have no plans of slowing down. www.amaco.com
Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft is excited to announce that registration is open for 2022 in-person workshops! Join them in their newly renovated studios for classes led by world-class instructors in metalsmithing, woodworking, ceramics, and mixed media. To learn more, visit www.pocosinarts.org
The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art is an on-line source for research and inspiration, featuring images of thousands of objects made by over 800 artists. www.Rosenfieldcollection.com.