Mar 22, 2023
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have a panel discussion on Taking an environmental approach to making with Marianne Chénard, Julia Galloway and Ché R. Ochtli. In our interview we talk about practical sustainability and the ways you can lessen your studio’s environmental impact. Julia and Ché are members of NCECA’s Green Task Force, which has many resources on this topic posted on their website Our discussion was recorded live in Cincinnati, OH last week as part of this year’s NCECA conference.
I’m happy to announce that I’ll be jurying The Clay Center of New Orleans upcoming exhibition “Less is More”. This juried exhibition is open to ceramic vessels, sculptures, and wall-mounted works, and celebrates earthenware clay and low-fire surface techniques. Application deadline is April 15th so visit to apply today.
Today’s episode is brought to you by the following sponsors:
For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to electric kilns, and they have no plans of slowing down.
The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art is an on-line source for research and inspiration, featuring images of thousands of objects made by over 800 artists.